


Dr. Todd Alekshun


The Hartford Hospital Care Institute is a statewide, coordinated network that ensures the comprehensive cancer care to our patients. The Cancer Institute offers high-quality care with advanced treatments and services available in offices and centers across the system. We have a connection with Memorial Sloan Kettering Alliance which offers access to current research trials where patients can be offered the latest medications and treatments. The Cancer Institute uses the latest technology and specialized approaches with the goal of eliminating the cancer and restoring the patient’s quality of life.



Hematology/Oncology Specialists

Sakshi Kapur


Hematology & Oncology

Starling Physicians
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Yelena Pristyazhnyuk


Hematology / Oncology

Medical Group Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Hartford Hospital
Hartford, CT 06106
More Locations
Hartford, CT 06106
Rajvi Patel


Hematology / Oncology

Medical Group Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Hartford Hospital
Hartford, CT 06106
More Locations
Hartford, CT 06106
Alvaro Menendez


Medical Oncology

Medical Group Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Hartford Hospital
Hartford, CT 06106
More Locations
Manchester, CT 06042
Willimantic, CT 06226
Devendra KC


Hematology / Oncology

Medical Group Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Hartford Hospital
Hartford, CT 06106
Shabnam Rehman


Hematology / Oncology

Medical Group Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Hartford Hospital
Hartford, CT 06106
More Locations
Hartford, CT 06106
Torrington, CT 06790
Benjamin Chu


Medical Oncology

Medical Group Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Hartford Hospital
Hartford, CT 06106
More Locations
Manchester, CT 06042
Avon, CT 06001
Stefanie Sigmund


Hematology / Oncology

Medical Group Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute - Avon
Avon, CT 06001
More Locations
Hartford, CT 06106
Laura Mulka


Hematology / Oncology

Starling Physicians
Enfield, CT 06082
Todd Alekshun


Hematology / Oncology

Medical Group Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute - Avon
Avon, CT 06001
More Locations
Manchester, CT 06042

Contact the Department of Medicine