Get Involved

Hartford Hospital has a history of leadership in providing volunteer health services both domestically and abroad.

There are many available opportunities to be involved with the Center for Global Health. If you would like to serve on one of the three committees -- Domestic Health, Medical Missions, or Partnerships -- please contact us. We are always open to new input and ideas. Your involvement could have a great impact and is extremely valued.


With your support, the Center for Global Health can improve the health for the world’s most vulnerable populations. Your donation will help provide general financial support, and medical supplies and equipment, to continue our mission.

For donations of medical supplies and equipment

Hartford Hospital is extremely grateful for all donations of medical supplies. The medical supplies and equipment program, providing Hartford Hospital employees with items for medical mission trips, would not be possible without them. All donated supplies must be serviceable and in good condition. No medications of any kind can be accepted. All donations are subject to approval by the program coordinator, Timothy Gregus.

For more information contact Timothy Gregus at


Inside This Section:

About Us
The Center for Global Health supports and facilitates global health work for Hartford Hospital caregivers, creating lasting partnerships and strengthening the opportunity to provide world-wide impact for many eager volunteers.

Domestic Health
Improving Global Health: Starting at Home.

Medical Missions
The Center for Global Health looks to support and plan independently sponsored domestic and international medical missions.

Our focus is maximizing industry and professional partnerships with the Center for Global Health.

Get Involved
Hartford Hospital has a history of leadership in providing volunteer health services both domestically and abroad.

Medical Supplies & Equipment
If you are planning a mission trip and would like to have the use of items from the medical supplies and equipment program, please fill out a medical supplies and equipment request form.

Center for Global Health

  • Government & Community Alliances

    Hartford Hospital
    80 Seymour Street
    Hartford, CT 06102

  • 860.972.4155