Heart Failure: LVS Evaluation

What is Heart Failure?
In heart failure, the heart is unable to pump the right amount of blood throughout the body. This causes blood to back up in the veins. Depending on which part of the heart is affected most, this can lead to a build up of excess fluid in the lungs, feet, and elsewhere. Heart failure can worsen with time, which may lead to the use of many treatments. Because of this, doctors are aggressive in treating heart failure to try to prevent it from worsening.

Why is this important?
Heart failure is a chronic condition. It results in symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, and fatigue. The proper treatment for heart failure depends on what area of your heart is affected.

How are we doing at providing the best care for patients suffering from heart failure?
An important test to check how your heart is pumping is called an “evaluation of the left ventricular systolic function” or LVS Function. It can tell your health care provider whether the left side of your heart is pumping properly.

Performance Measures Heart Failure: Evaluation of LVS Function

This graph the number of heart failure patients who had assessment of their
left ventricular systolic functioning. The higher the percentage the better.

What efforts are in place to improve performance?
Any case where we did not meet the measure it is brought to our team for review and assessment of opportunities to improve. Nationwide the top performers are at 100% for this measure. We are consistently are achieving top performance.