Alternative Therapies

Medication and surgery isn’t the only way to help ease the pain of arthritis or other rheumatologic diseases. We’ll help you think – and feel better – outside of the box.


They’re called “alternative” or “integrative” therapies and while they may seem to be non-medical in approach, there is greater overlap than ever with traditional medical treatments. Many have been found to help increase your range of motion while decreasing pain from your disease.

We offer:

  • Anti-Gravity Training on a special treadmill that allows you to walk or run with no pain because it reduces the stress on your joints and muscles
  • Tai Chi/Qigong
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy – deep tissue, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, cranio-sacral and chair massage
  • Reiki and energy therapy
  • Hypnosis and guided imagery
  • Group and individual classes in mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga

For more information, go to our Integrative Medicine page.

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