
Hartford Hospital Residency in Radiology

  1. Funding for CME courses and/or textbooks (Mead Fund - HH) approximately $1,200/year
  2. AFIP: tuition ($1,500) plus $1,500 for expenses
  3. RSNA reimbursement for PG5 residents
  4. Full reimbursement for meetings when resident is primary presenter or exhibitor, at any level of training (PGY 2 - PGY 5)
  5. Grant from Jefferson Radiology Group of $2000 to each resident for technical educational equipment purchases i.e. laptop computer, digital camera, scanner etc.
  6. Newly renovated conference room JB217 (all digital)
  7. Hartford Hospital Visiting Professors (6 per year)
  8. Participation in UConn Radiology (Farmington, CT) and Baystate Grand Rounds (Springfield, MA)
  9. Paid membership to New England Roentgen Ray Society
  10. Night float call system.
  11. Resident lounge with applicable libraries of teaching materials (ACR & HH T. Files)
  12. Departmental computers, extensive CD-ROM library
  13. Electronic access to multiple on-line learning programs (StatDx, RadPrimer, ACR Teaching files)
  14. Up-to- date departmental and sectional libraries in Radiology (Liberal Library Fund)
  15. Moonlighting opportunities
  16. Internet access at all reading stations and hospital wide wi-fi.
  17. In-house Physics course repeated every Summer
  18. Great contacts/networking for life.
  19. Core curriculum in Diagnostic Radiology
  20. Core curriculum in non-interpretive issues / Business of Radiology Lectures
  21. Tele-communicating conferencing in Conklin Building and Gilman Auditorium
  22. State of the Art teaching Amphitheater, JB 118
  23. Research opportunities in house (One project, paper or exhibit required)
  24. Mentoring for your PQI project
  25. Pediatric Radiology training on campus (Connecticut Children’s)
  26. Competitive salary (see contract)
  27. Audio-Visual Department on campus (support in exhibit, poster production)
  28. Medical student teaching (University of Connecticut)
  29. In-house Beepers with text messaging
  30. Hartford Hospital Intranet (Free MD Consult, library resources)
  31. Dedicated full time (24/7) Radiology Nursing in department for all injections
  32. State of the art equipment (e.g. 64 slice CT) & full PACS
  33. Voice Recognition dictation system
  34. Welcome picnic every Summer (after Labor Day)
  35. Winter resident retreat

Hartford Hospital Radiology Residency

Lindsay Griffin
Lindsay Griffin
Program Director

Sameer Hanfi
Sameer Hanfi, MD
Associate Program Director

Paula Levenson
Program Coordinator
