Medical Student Clerkship

Welcome to the Radiology Department at Hartford Hospital.

The rotation lasts 4 weeks and our goal is to provide you a broad overview of the field of Radiology during your rotation. As such, we will have you spend time rotating through all of the subspecialty radiology services covered at Hartford Hospital. Our goal is to give you a complete introductory exposure to radiology in your four week block, but we can adjust this if needed due to your personal needs and desires (e.g. if you are planning to go into orthopedics, we can have you spend more time on the musculoskeletal service if you’d like.)

Months Offered

August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March and April (Dates to correspond with University of Connecticut Medical Student rotations)

Number of Students

Two maximum (preference is given to University of Connecticut medical students)

Visiting Medical Students

Download the Visiting Medical Student Policy

Report To

Paula Levenson, Jefferson Building 2, Room 216 – Room Labeled Program Coordinator, Radiology Residency

Daily Schedule

We will match you up to the current radiology resident’s scheduled hours. They have conference from 7:30 – 8:30 in JB 218, then head to their assigned workstation for the day. The second daily conference is from 12:00 to 12:45, followed by a 30 minute lunch. The day typically ends around 5pm.

Of note, the morning conference in the early part of the academic year includes our physics curriculum, which may not be as applicable for medical students who do not plan on specializing in radiology. The remaining conferences are a mixture of attending/resident led didactic or case-based conferences. You will get a more complete conference schedule when your rotation begins.

Reading Suggestions

We will loan you a copy of Lucy Squires Fundamentals of Radiology Textbook to read during your rotation. This is an excellent introduction to radiology and should cover most of the rotations you will see. If more detailed information is needed we can provide additional materials.

Student Presentation

During your rotation it is expected that you will give a short presentation to the residents on an area of radiology that interests you. This serves several purposes; it gives you incentive to read up more on the subject, it gives you the opportunity to impress the residents and attendings on the rotation, and most importantly if we end up writing you a recommendation letter we’ll include your presentation in that letter.

Additional Information

A departmental conference room and library are available as are extensive film teaching files. The student’s evaluation is based on attendance, interest, knowledge base, analytical and deductive abilities, and topic presentation.

Medical Student Clerkship