Past Conferences

CT Nursing Research Alliance - Past Conferences

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997

October 19-20, 2023

Investing in the Scholarly Work of Nursing; What’s in it for Us?

Opening Session
Narrowing the Academic-Practice Gap: Approaches for Establishing and Sustaining Clinical Academic Partnerships
Diana Baptiste DNP, MSN, RN, CNE, FPCNA, FAAN, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing (download her bio) (view her presentation)

Conference BrochurePoster Presentations Poster Winners

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October 7, 2022

Nursing - Back to Health

Opening Session
Rebuilding Nursing After a Life-Quake: Implications for Nursing Research
Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN; Florida Atlantic University - Emeritus Professor (view her bio) (view her presentation)

Conference BrochurePoster PresentationsOral Presentations

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October 22, 2021

Exploring the Evidence in Clinical Practice & Education

Opening Session
What’s Simulation Got to Do With It?
Janice C. Palaganas, PhD, RN, NP, ANEF, FNAP, FAAN, FSSH; Center for Interprofessional Studies & Innovations; MGH Institute of Health Professions (view her bio)

Conference Brochure

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October 16, 2020

CT Nursing Research Alliance Reimagined: Virtual Sharing of Evidence-Based Practice Projects

Opening Session
Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Quality Improvement, Oh My!
Katherine Hinderer, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CNE; Nurse Scientist, Connecticut Children’s

Conference Brochure

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October 18, 2019

What Does it Mean to be a Nurse: Finding Joy in Work

Conference Brochure

Keynote Address:
Meaning and Joy in the Workplace: The Nurses’ Voice
E. Carol Polifroni, RN, EDD, CNE, NEA-BC, ANEF
Professor, University of Connecticut School of Nursing
Download the Presentation

Plenary Address:
An Onsite Self-Care Break to Decrease Stress and Promote a Culture of Wellness
Catherine Alvarez, RN, MA, BS, CNML, HNB-BC, PCCN
Yale-New Haven Hospital
Download the Presentation

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October 12, 2018

Nursing: Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Environment

Conference Brochure

Keynote Address:
What Happens Along the Road to Diversity and Inclusivity?
Kenya V. Beard, EdD, AGACNP-BC, NP-C, CNE, ANEF, FAAN, Associate Professor, City University of New York, School of Professional Studies

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October 13, 2017

The Nursing Role in Promoting a Culture of Health

Conference Brochure

Keynote Address:
Building Healthier Communities in Connecticut
Lisa J. Sundean, PhD, RN, MSN, MHA, Statewide Director, CT Nursing Collaborative-Action Coalition

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October 14, 2016

A Just and Safe Culture: Improving Patient Safety

Conference Brochure

Poster Rating Form

Keynote Speaker:
Susan Scott, PhD, RN, CPPS
Manager, Patient Safety & Risk Management, University of Missouri Health Care

Keynote Presentation:

Poster Presentations:

Oral Presentations:

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October 8, 2015

Promoting a Culture of Safety with Evidence-Based Practice

Keynote Speaker:
Kathleen M. White, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN Associate Professor Director, Master’s Entry Into Nursing Program Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

Plenary Speaker:
Desiree A. Diaz, PhD, RN-BC, CNE, CHSE Director of Simulation and Clinical Resource Laboratories Associate Clinical Professor UConn School of Nursing

Conference Brochure

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October 3, 2014

Sustaining Quality Patient Outcomes Through Evidenced-Based Practice

Conference Brochure

Keynote Speaker:
Lynn Gallagher-Ford, PhD, RN, DPFNAP, NE-BC
Director, Center for Transdisciplinary Evidence-based Practice

Plenary Speaker:
Janet Parkosewich, RN, DNSC, FAHA Nurse Researcher, Yale-New Haven Hospital


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October 4, 2013

Revolutionizing Nursing Practice Through Education

Conference Brochure

Keynote Speaker:
Linda Perfetto, MS, APRN, ACNS, BC, CNE, CNOR
Director of Nursing Curricular Operations for the CT Community Colleges

Plenary Speaker:
Carol Polifroni, EdD, RN
Associate Professor, Nursing Instruction and Research, The University of Connecticut


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October 15, 2012

Outcomes-Focused Innovations

Conference Brochure

Keynote Address:
Evidence Based Practice at the Point of Care
Kathleen R. Stevenson, EdD, RN, FAAN

Plenary Address:
Muddling through the Maze of Metrics
Pepper Sobieski, RN, BSN, CPHQ
Director of Quality, Hartford HealthCare

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October 14, 2011

Evidence-Based Practice: Health Reform: Connecting Practice to Policy

Conference Agenda

Conference Brochure

Keynote Speaker Presentations:

Abstracts/Poster Presentations:

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October 8, 2010

The Value of Nursing in Achieving Patient Outcomes

Conference Brochure

Conference Poster Presenters

Keynote Speaker:

  • Sharon A. Eck Birmingham DNSc, RN
    Chief Nursing Executive, Clairvia, Inc., Adjunct Faculty, UNC, Iowa and Yale Universities

Keynote Address:

Plenary Speakers:

  • Donna Diers PhD, RN, FAAN
  • Annie W. Goodrich
    Professor Emeritus of Nursing
    Interim Co-Specialty Director, NMPL
    Yale School of Nursing
  • Bette Ann White CPA, MPH, Consultant

Plenary Address: 

Abstracts & Presentations:

Poster Abstracts:

Conference Summary:

Linda Berger Spivack, RN, MSN, Vice President for Patient Care Services, Hartford Hospital with Keynote Speaker Sharon Eck-Birmingham, DNSc, MA, BSN, RN.Keynote Speaker:
On Friday, October 8, 2010, The Connecticut Nursing Research Alliance and the Institute for Healthcare Education held its 14th Annual Conference, The Value of Nursing in Achieving Patient Outcomes. Over 250 nurses, faculty and nursing students attended this year’s conference from across Connecticut and neighboring states. The keynote address “Nurse Value and Patient Outcomes” was given by Sharon Eck-Birmingham DNSc, MA, BSN, RN, Chief Nursing Executive for the Clairvia Corporation in Durham, North Carolina, Clairvia specializes in evidenced-based software technologies that transform and sustain improved systems of care. Dr. Eck- Birmingham also serves in adjunct faculty appointments at the University of North Carolina, University of Iowa and Yale University.

 Plenary speakers Donna Diers, PhD, RN, DAAN and Bette Ann White CPA, MPH from Yale New Haven Hospital.Plenary speakers:
Plenary speakers: Donna Diers, PhD, RN, DAAN and Bette Ann White CPA, MPH from Yale New Haven Hospital.
Plenary address: “The Business Case for Nursing” was given by Donna Diers, PhD, RN, DAAN and Bette Ann White CPA, MPH from Yale New Haven Hospital.

Skill Building Sessions:
In addition to the keynote and plenary speakers, conference participants were given the opportunity to choose from a variety of oral abstract presentations and four skill-building sessions. The skill-building sessions included Expanding Practice through Research: Using Quantitative and Qualitative Methods presented by Terry Boswell RN, PhD of Saint Joseph College, Creating Conference Posters with Microsoft Powerpoint presented by Daniel Small of the Hartford Hospital Pyrtec Center, and Get Read: Writing for Publication presented by Cindy Barrere PhD, RN, AHN-BC Quinnipiac University and Lisa Carter, MSLIS, Clinical Library for Nursing, Hartford Hospital.

The Excellence in Nursing Research Award winners Barbara Aronson, PhD, RN, CNE and Barbara Glynn DNP, RN-BC of Southern Connecticut State University and Timothy Squires RN, BC-MS of MidState Medical Center with Alliance member Nancy Bafundo RN, MS, BC.Excellence in Nursing Research Award winners:
The Excellence in Nursing Research Award winners Barbara Aronson, PhD, RN, CNE and Barbara Glynn DNP, RN-BC of Southern Connecticut State University and Timothy Squires RN, BC-MS of MidState Medical Center with Alliance member Nancy Bafundo RN, MS, BC. The Excellence in Nursing Research Award was presented to Barbara Aronson, PhD, RN, CNE and Barbara Glynn DNP, RN-BC of Southern Connecticut State University and Timothy Squires RN, BC-MS of MidState Medical Center for their research project titled Reducing Failure To Rescue Events Through the Use of High-Fidelity Simulation.

The Excellence in Evidence-Based Practice Award winners Martha Mamrosh, RN-BC, Debbie Valk, RN, BS and Catherine Milne, APRN, MSN, CWOCN of Bristol Hospital with Alliance member Nancy Bafundo RN, MS, BC.Excellence in Evidence-Based Practice Award winners:
The Excellence in Evidence-Based Practice Award winners Martha Mamrosh, RN-BC, Debbie Valk, RN, BS and Catherine Milne, APRN, MSN, CWOCN of Bristol Hospital with Alliance member Nancy Bafundo RN, MS, BC. The Excellence in Evidence Based Practice Award went to Martha Mamrosh, RN-BC, Debbie Valk, RN, BS and Catherine Milne, APRN, MSN, CWOCN of Bristol Hospital for their project Evaluation of a Cyanoacrylate Dressing to Treat Skin Tears in the Acute Care Population.

Poster Awards:
Poster awards were bestowed upon three recipients whose posters were judged by a panel to be of highest quality.

  • First place: Evaluation of a Cyanoacrylate Dressing to Treat Skin Tears in the Acute Care Population
    Martha Mamrosh, RN-BC, Debbie Valk, RN, BS and Catherine Milne, APRN, MSN, CWOCN, Bristol Hospital
  • Second place: Reasons for Cancellation of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) by Requester
    Susan Thibeault Ms, APRN, CRNA, EMT-P, Judy Childs, RN, EMT-P,CFRN, Hartford Hospital
  • Third place: Do Bowel Symptoms Change After Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery?
    Barbara Conroy RN, BA, ADN, Hartford Hospital

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October 8, 2009

Raising the Voice of Nursing in Quality and Patient Safety

Conference brochure

Keynote Speaker:
Barbara L. Mackoff, EdD, psychologist, educator and author, Visiting Professor of Nursing at the Adelphi University School in New York and a core faculty member of The Nurse Management Fellowship program of The American Association of Nurse Executives. She was the principal investigator of a national research study of the Nurse Manager Engagement funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Educated at Harvard University, Dr. Mackoff is the author of five books that have been published in five languages including the forthcoming, Nurse Manager Engagement: From Theory to Practice. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, USA Today and in her appearances on The Today show, CBS Morning News and NPR's All Things Considered.

Keynote Address:
"Nurse Manager Engagement: The Power of Positive Deviance"

Plenary Speaker:
Dori Taylor Sullivan PhD, RN, NE-BC, CNL, CPHQ of Duke University is the associate dean for academic affairs at the Duke University School of Nursing. She has held leadership positions in nursing education and healthcare over the last 30 years including roles as a national healthcare consultant, clinical and research director, clinical specialist, faculty, and academic administrator. She has participated in several national initiatives related to nursing education, patient care quality and safety, and leadership development -- with a focus on instrument development and program evaluation. Dr. Sullivan has completed an advanced healthcare leadership certificate at Yale University as well as several other courses related to quality and performance improvement. She holds numerous professional certifications in the areas of nursing administration and healthcare quality, and most recently as a Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL).

Plenary Address:
"Quality and Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN): Update on the National Initiative"

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October 3, 2008

Evidence Based Practice. Transforming Patient Care.

Conference brochure

Highlights from the Conference

Keynote Speaker:
Linda Burnes Bolton DrPH, RN, FAAN, Vice President for Nursing, Chief Nursing Officer and Director of Nursing Research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Burnes Bolton is chair of the National Advisory Committee for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation initiative to Transform Care at the Bedside (TCAB). The keynote address, "Transforming Care at the Bedside" described the TCAB experience as a strategic safety, quality, service and value initiative.

Keynote Address:
"Transforming Care at the Bedside"

Plenary Speakers:
Adam Borgida MD, Attending Perinatalogist at Hartford Hospital and Associate Professor of Clinical Ob/Gyn, UCONN School of Medicine and Debbie Gingras MS, RN, CNS, Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist at Hartford Hospital. Ms. Gingras and Dr. Borgida discussed the utilization of CREW Management teamwork concepts and skills to reduce errors and improve patient safety.

Plenary Address:
"Transforming Care in Labor & Delivery: Crew Management"

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October 12, 2007

Evidence Based Practice. The Essence of Nursing

Conference brochure

Highlights from the Conference

Keynote Speaker:
John Nelson RN, MS is the President for Healthcare Environment, Inc., an international data management and consultation company. His primary interest in research is evaluating the impact of relationship based care. His international research is focused on evaluating care as perceived by the patient using Watson's Theory of Caring. he currently is a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota.

Keynote Address:
"The Essentials and Impact of Relationship Based Care"

Plenary Speaker:
Cindy Connolly PhD, RN, PNP is a historian of nursing whose work draws on social history methodology to provide insight into the intellectual foundations of nursing practices and analyze the legacy of past politics in current health and social welfare policies. At Yale School of Nursing, Dr. Connolly teaches courses in pediatrics and nursing history. Within the broader university, Dr. Connolly holds a faculty appointment in the History of medicine and Science at the medical school. Clinically, she is a pediatric nurse practitioner with almost 30 years of experience in children's health care.

Plenary Address:
"The DNA of Nursing: Knowing Nursing's History"

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October 3, 2006

Caring For Our Patients and Ourselves

Conference brochure

Highlights from the Conference

Keynote Speaker:
Veda Andrus, EdD, MSN, RN, HN-BC Veda Andrus, EdD, MSN, RN, HN-BC, is Senior Educator and Consultant for The BirchTree Center for Healthcare Transformation and is on the Faculty of the Health Arts and Science Program at Goddard College. She served as Founder/President of Seeds and Bridges Center for Holistic Nursing Education (1986-2002) and co-created The Certificate Program in Holistic Nursing and other professional development continuing education programs in holistic nursing. She is the recipient of the 2004 Holistic Nurse of the Year award through the American Holistic Nurses' Association

Keynote Address:
"Caring for Ourselves: Enhancing the Therapeutic Partnership within Nursing Practice"

Plenary Speaker:
Maggie McKivergin RN, MSN, CNS, HNC, is an international speaker and has authored many publications. She is in private practice using a broad spectrum of assessment and complimentary modalities. She is a national consultant, working in partnership with physicians and other practitioners to create new protocols for the care of disease.

Plenary Address:
"Caring for our Patients and Ourselves: Complementary Modalities"

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October 28, 2005

Evidence Based Practice: Living Well, Again Well

Conference brochure

Conference flyer

Highlights from the Conference

Keynote Speaker:
Elizabeth Capezuti, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, Associate Professor in the Division of Nursing at the Steinhardt School of Education, New York University.

Keynote Address:
"Facing the Future and Embracing Competence in Aging"

Plenary Speaker:
Barbara Mark, PhD, RN, FAAN, holds the Sarah Frances Russell Distinguished Professorship in Nursing Systems at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Sheps Center for Health Services Research and the Co-Director of the South East Regional Center for Workforce Studies.

Plenary Address:
"The Outcomes Research in Nursing Administration Project"

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October 1, 2004

Transcultural Research in Cyberspace

Conference brochure

Conference packet

Highlights from the Conference

Keynote Speaker:
Josepha Campinha-Bacote, PhD, APRN, BC, CNS, CTN, FAAN, President, Transcultural C.A.R.E. Associates, Cincinnati, OH

Keynote Address:
Evidence-based Research: A transcultural perspective

Plenary Speaker:
Diane J. Skiba, PhD, FAAN, Associate Professor and Health Care Informatics Coordinator, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO

Plenary Address:
Transforming Nursing Practice Through Telehealth Opportunities

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October 10, 2003

Prevention of Infectious Diseases: The Public Health Nurse in All of Us

Conference brochure

Conference packet

Conference summary

Highlights from the Conference

Keynote Speaker: Elaine Larson, RN, PhD, FAAN, CIC

Keynote Address: How Clean Should We Be?

Plenary Speaker: Marylouise Welch, RN, PhD

Plenary Address: Florence Nightingale and the Origins of Home Health Care

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October 4, 2002

Partners in Care: Applying Best Practice to Enhance Relationships in Health Care

Conference brochure

Conference packet

Highlights from the Conference

Keynote Speaker: Betty Ferrell, PhD, FAAN, Research Scientist, City of Hope National Medical Center

Keynote Address: Improving Care at End of Life

Plenary Speaker: Sally S. Cohen, RN, PhD, FAAN, Associate Professor & Director, Center for Health Policy & Ethics, Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven CT

Plenary Address: Health Care Relationships: The New Frontier

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October 19, 2001

Entrusted Care: Applying Nursing Research to Optimize Safe Patient Outcomes

Conference brochure

Conference packet

Keynote Speaker: Nancy Jo Wilson, MD, PhD, Vice President, VHA Clinical Affairs & Medical Director, VHA Clinical Advantage Program

Keynote Address: Enhancing Patient Safety

Plenary Speaker: Grena Porto, RN, MS, ARM, DFA, SHRM, CPHRM, Director of Clinical Risk Management, VNA, INC, Pennsylvania

Plenary Address: Disclosure & Documentation

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October 13, 2000

Enhancing Healthcare Outcomes Through Nursing Research

Conference brochure

Conference packet

Keynote Speaker: April Vallerand, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

Keynote Address: Using Research to Change Practice in Pain Management

Plenary Speaker: Sean Clarke, RN, PhD, CRNP, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Health Outcomes & Policy Research, University of Pennsylvania

Plenary Address: Hospital Restructuring, Patient & Nursing Outcomes: A Research Perspective

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October 15, 1999

Rejuvenating Nursing Practice Through Research

Keynote Speaker: Margaret Grey, DrPH, PAAN, CPNP, Associate Dean, Yale School of Nursing, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Keynote Address: Energizing Your Practice with Evidence-Based Research

Plenary Speaker: James Fain, PhD, RN, FAAN, Associate Professor/Director, Collaborative PhD Nursing Program, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA

Plenary Address: Using Nursing Research in the Clinical Setting

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October 8, 1998

Supporting Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Keynote Speaker: Cheryl Beck, DNSc, RN, PAAN, Professor, School of Nursing, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Keynote Address: Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: Implications of a Research Program on Post-Partum Depression

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October 8, 1997

Partnering in Research Utilization

Keynote Speaker: Linda Cronewett, PhD, RN, PAAN, Director, Nursing Education & Research, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH

Keynote Address: Demystifying Research Utilization: Process & Outcomes

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Connecticut Nursing Research Alliance

  • For questions about the Alliance, contact Sarah Hong

  • Download our Membership List

  • Hartford Hospital is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Connecticut Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s commission on Accreditation.